Maven offers a chat widget that allows you to embed a Maven experience directly into your website.


To install the chat app on your agent:

  1. Navigate to the Apps page in the Agent Designer.
  2. Click on Browse & Install on the Apps Directory tile.
  3. Search for “Chat” and click on the Chat app tile.
  4. Click on the Install button.


To add the chat widget to your website, you need to add a small piece of javascript to your page. This javascript code will initialize the widget and connect it to your Maven instance.

Your personalized code snippet can be found on the chat settings page under the “Instructions” tab. Copy and paste the following code snippet into your website’s HTML, preferably just before the closing </body> tag:

1<script src='' defer></script>
2<script async>
3 addEventListener("load", function () {
4 Maven.ChatWidget.load({
5 organizationId: "YOUR_ORGANIZATION_ID",
6 agentId: "YOUR_AGENT_ID",
7 })
8 });

Basic Settings

The chat app supports several basic configuration options that can be customized through the Dashboard:

  • Logo URL - The URL of the logo to display in the chat header.
  • Brand Color - The accent color used on the chat UI.
  • Welcome Message - The message displayed when the chat widget is opened.
  • Popular Questions - Questions shown directly under the welcome message.

Additionally, the appearance of the widget on your site can be further customized:

1 Maven.ChatWidget.load({
2 organizationId: "YOUR_ORGANIZATION_ID",
3 agentId: "YOUR_AGENT_ID",
4 bgColor: "#007AFF",
5 buttonLabel: "Chat with us",
6 horizontalPosition: "left",
7 verticalPosition: "top",
8 })

Advanced Settings

The full list of chat app settings:

BrandingLogo URLThe URL of the logo to display in the chat header
Brand colorThe accent color used on the chat UI
Brand font colorThe color of the font against the brand color
Welcome messageThe message displayed when the chat widget is opened
Popular questionsQuestions shown directly under the welcome message
Enable preview siteAllows the widget to appear on the preview site
SecurityAllowed domainsThe domains that are allowed to render the chat iframe
JWT public keyThe public key used to verify authentication tokens (more on this below)
Encryption secretThe secret used to encrypt authentication tokens (more on this below)
MiscellaneousDisable attachmentsDisables the ability to send files in the chat
Live agent handoff configurationA JSON object that configures the live agent handoff settings (more on this below)

The full list of widget configuration options:

organizationIdstringYes-Your organization ID
agentIdstringYes-Your agent ID
bgColorstringNo-Widget background color
textColorstringNo’white’Widget text color
buttonLabelstringNo’Get Help’Widget button label
horizontalPosition’left’ | ‘right’No’right’Widget horizontal position
verticalPosition’top’ | ‘bottom’No’bottom’Widget vertical position
localestringNobrowser localeWidget locale
signedUserDatastringNo-A signed and encrypted authentication token
unsignedUserDataRecord<string, any>No-Arbitrary data to include in conversation for context

Programmatic Control

You can programmatically control the widget using the following methods:

1// Open the widget;
4// Close the widget

Live Agent Handoff

Maven Chat supports seamless handoff to live agent support through various service providers. When configured, conversations can be automatically transferred to human agents.

Currently supported providers:

  • Salesforce
  • Zendesk
  • Front

Salesforce Configuration

Maven Chat integrates with Salesforce Live Agent to provide human support capabilities. This integration requires configuration in both Salesforce and Maven.


  • Salesforce account with Live Agent enabled
  • Access to Salesforce Setup
  • A configured Live Agent deployment and button

Setup Process

Follow these steps to configure Salesforce integration:

  1. Configure Live Agent Deployment

    • Navigate to Salesforce Setup > Embedded Service Deployments
    • Locate or create a new deployment
    • Note the Deployment ID and ES Live Agent Dev Name
  2. Configure Chat Button

    • Navigate to Setup > Chat Buttons & Invitations
    • Create or select an existing chat button
    • Note the Button ID
  3. Locate Live Agent Settings

    • Find your Chat Host URL in the Salesforce Live Agent settings
    • Note your Organization ID


Create a handoff configuration object with the following structure:

  1. Create your configuration object:
2 type: 'salesforce',
3 orgId: 'your-org-id',
4 chatHostUrl: '',
5 chatButtonId: 'your-button-id',
6 deploymentId: 'your-deployment-id',
7 eswLiveAgentDevName: 'your-live-agent-name',
8 apiSecret: 'your-api-secret',
9 allowAnonymousHandoff: false,
10 enableAvailabilityCheck: false
  1. Convert to JSON and add to Maven:
    • Convert the object to a JSON string
    • Enter it in the Live agent handoff configuration field in chat app settings
Configuration Options
type’salesforce’Yes-Identifies Salesforce as the handoff provider
orgIdstringYes-Your Salesforce organization ID
chatHostUrlstringYes-Your Salesforce Live Agent server URL
chatButtonIdstringYes-Your Salesforce chat button ID
deploymentIdstringYes-Your Salesforce deployment ID
eswLiveAgentDevNamestringYes-Your Embedded Service Live Agent name
apiSecretstringYes-Authentication secret for handoff requests
allowAnonymousHandoffbooleanNofalseWhether to request email from anonymous users
surveyLinkstringNo-Post-handoff survey URL
enableAvailabilityCheckbooleanNofalseWhether to check agent availability
availabilityFallbackMessagestringNo-Message shown when agents unavailable

Zendesk Configuration

Maven Chat integrates with Zendesk Conversations to provide human support capabilities. This integration requires configuration in both Zendesk and Maven.


  • Zendesk account with Professional plan or above
  • Access to the Conversations API
  • Admin access to configure integrations

Setup Process

Follow these steps to configure Zendesk integration:

  1. Create Zendesk Integration

    • Navigate to the Zendesk Admin Center
    • Go to Apps and integrations > Integrations > Conversations integrations
    • Click Create integration
    • Enter a unique name for the integration
  2. Configure Webhook

    • Set Webhook endpoint URL to
    • Uncheck Webhook body data
    • Check all Webhook subscriptions
    • Click Save
    • After saving, note the Webhook ID from the URL (it will be in the format{webhookId})
  3. Generate API Key

    • Navigate to the API Keys tab
    • Click Create API key
    • Enter an identifying name for the key
    • Copy and securely store the provided ID and secret key
    • Click Next to complete the setup


Create a handoff configuration object with the following structure:

  1. Create your configuration object:
2 type: 'zendesk',
3 subdomain: 'your-zendesk-subdomain',
4 apiKey: 'int_your_integration_api_key',
5 apiSecret: 'your_integration_api_secret',
6 appId: 'your_zendesk_app_id',
7 webhookId: 'your-webhook-id'
  1. Convert to JSON and add to Maven:
    • Convert the object to a JSON string
    • Enter it in the Live agent handoff configuration field in chat app settings
Configuration Options
type’zendesk’Yes-Identifies Zendesk as the handoff provider
subdomainstringYes-Your Zendesk subdomain
apiKeystringYes-Your Zendesk integration API key
apiSecretstringYes-Your Zendesk integration secret
appIdstringYes-Your Zendesk app ID
webhookIdstringYes-Your Zendesk webhook ID (found in webhook URL after creation)

Front Configuration

Maven Chat integrates with Front to provide human support capabilities. This integration requires configuration in both Front and Maven.


  • Front account with admin access
  • Access to Front’s developer settings
  • Maven-created Front Application Channel

Setup Process

Follow these steps to configure Front integration:

  1. Create Front Application

    • Navigate to Front Developer Settings
    • Click Create App
    • Enter app name and description
    • Note the App UID and App Secret from Basic Information
  2. Configure Channel

    • Go to the Features tab
    • Click Create channel type
    • Configure the following settings:
      • Set Webhook URL to
      • Set Authentication strategy to Bearer
      • Set Contact type to Custom
      • Set Supported attachments to Text
      • Enable Reply/Compose
      • Set Composer type to Basic
      • Set Timeline Type UI to Chat Timeline
    • Click Create
  3. Connect Channel in Front

    • Navigate to Channels under your workspace
    • Click Connect a channel
    • Find your channel under the “Other” section
    • Set Name and Token to orgId-agentId
    • Select target inbox and click Continue


The handoff configuration requires two steps:

  1. Create your configuration object:
2 type: 'front',
3 apiKey: 'your-front-api-token',
4 appId: 'your-front-app-uid',
5 apiSecret: 'your-front-app-secret',
6 shiftNames: [],
7 host: 'optional-self-hosted-front-url'
  1. Convert to JSON and add to Maven:
    • Convert the object to a JSON string
    • Enter it in the Live agent handoff configuration field in chat app settings
Configuration Options
type’front’Yes-Identifies Front as the handoff provider
apiKeystringYes-Your Front API token
appIdstringYes-Your Front App UID
apiSecretstringYes-Your Front App Secret
shiftNamesstring[]No[]Names of shifts for availability routing
hoststringNo-Custom URL for self-hosted Front instances

Additional Setup Requirements

  1. Content Security Policy

    • Update your CSP to allow content from
  2. Widget Installation

    • Include the widget script:
      1<script src='' defer></script>
    • Initialize with configuration:
      1addEventListener("load", function () {
      2 Maven.ChatWidget.load({
      3 organizationId: "your-org-id",
      4 agentId: "your-agent-id",
      5 // ... other configuration options
      6 });


Signed User Authentication

Maven Chat now accepts signed and encrypted user authentication, allowing our customers to securely authenticate their users with Maven and persist user data across Maven apps. Authentication is optional and users will fall back to anonymous sessions.


  • A server-generated, signed and encrypted JWT containing user data
  • A shared symmetrical encryption key, provided in the chat app settings (Encryption secret)
  • A shared public key for verifying signing, provided in the chat app settings (JWT public key)

User Data Requirements

The user data object must include:

  • firstName - User’s first name
  • lastName - User’s last name
  • id - User’s unique identifier (UUID)
  • At least one of:
    • phoneNumber - User’s phone number
    • email - User’s email address
  • Additional fields will be included in the Maven user that’s created

Generating User Authentication Token

To protect the user data in transit, generate a signed JWT token containing user data and encrypt the token with ES256 and a 32-bit secret key. This token must be generated on the backend and passed into the chat widget via the signedUserData property.

Example Implementation (TypeScript)
1import { SignJWT, EncryptJWT } from 'jose';
3async function secureUserData(userData: Record<string, string> & {
4 id: string
5 firstName: string
6 lastName: string
7} & (
8 { email: string, phoneNumber?: string } |
9 { email?: string, phoneNumber: string }
10)) {
11 // 1. Sign the user data with your private key (ES256 algorithm)
12 const signedJWT = await new SignJWT(userData)
13 .setProtectedHeader({ alg: 'ES256' })
14 .setIssuedAt()
15 .setExpirationTime('1d')
16 .sign(yourPrivateKey);
19 // 2. Encrypt the signed JWT using your encryption secret
20 const encryptedJWT = await new EncryptJWT({ jwt: signedJWT })
21 .setProtectedHeader({ alg: 'dir', enc: 'A128CBC-HS256' })
22 .encrypt(base64url.decode(encryptionSecret));
25 return encryptedJWT;
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